Smithfield council denies rezone of Lillywhite property
Lee’s Marketplace donation — Pete Krusi, Lee’s Marketplace store director, handing Mayor Chad Downs a $500 check raised as part of the store’s reusable bags program. (Kris Monson)
New city hall — The new Smithfield City Hall under construction. (Dave South)
Terrazzo floor — “Arvid” the alligator is an example of the inlay work by Heritage Glass in their Terrazzo flooring. Heritage Glass is donating all the materials for a Terrazo floor in the new city offices. They are also creating an inlay of “Old Flatop” mountain along with the text “Smithfield City” for the main entrance. The city will pay for installation of the flooring. The total cost is expected to be approximately the same as a standard tile floor. (Dave South)