Bobcats hunt down Wolverines
Score — Tanner Gray scoring a goal for the Bobcats. (Marnie Jeppson)
The Sky View Bobcat hockey team beat the Hunter Wolverines last night 10 to 1. Sky View was led by Tanner Gray with 4 goals and 2 assists, and goalie Tanton Jeppson had 20 saves. Others scoring goals were, Jake Hill, Ian Palfreyman, Braden Limb, Ryan Reevs, Ethan Crossley, and David Nelson. Those adding assists were Adam Snow, and Sam Jarvis with 2 each, Ian Palfreyman, Mark Burch, and Braden Limb with one each.
Sky View’s next game is Monday, January 4 at 7:15 p.m. at the Eccles Ice center against the Northern Utah Independent team. The games are free so come support our Bobcat hockey team.