Lions Club spaghetti dinner raises money for Haiti
Dishing up dinner and smiles — Smithfield Lions Club members Keith Hansen, Tom Arquette and Kenneth Hansen preparing and serving spaghetti dinner. (Dave South)
Happy diners (Dave South)
Hansen serves — No sauce for this one as Keith Hansen hands Matthew Downs a plate for noodles only. (Dave South)
Busy night — Hundreds came to the benefit where every penny, beyond the food, is donated to help with relief efforts in Haiti. (Dave South)
Dewey and Arquette — Loreita Dewey, advisor to the Smithfield City Youth Council, telling Tom Arquette that the bread is all done and ready to be served. (Dave South)
Youth council — The Mayor of the Smithfield City Youth Council, Nate Hanks (front) with members Cameron Woodward (black shirt) and Tanner Law (right). Tammy Law (purple shirt) is an advisor to the council. (Dave South)
Dewey and Low — Matt Dewey and Jake Low, youth council members, take a break after helping in the kitchen. (Dave South)
Downs family — Madison, Matthew and Carter Downs enjoying dinner at the Lions Club. (Dave South)