Sky View students of the month honored at luncheon
Senior Students of the Month — Luis Patino, Brooke Lindhardt and Boone Hansen were February 2010’s Sky View senior students of the month. (Submitted photo)
Nine SVHS students were honored on Tuesday, Feb 16 at a Student of the Month luncheon. The luncheon was held in the Presentation room at Sky View and was catered by Ann Lusk. Students recognized this month were: Seniors: Luis Patino, Brooke Lindhardt and Boone Hansen, Juniors: Blake McKinley, AJ Vande Merwe and Jordan C. Nielsen, Sophomores: Natalia Chaparro, Jared Walker and Joshua Smith.
The Student of the Month program at Sky View began this year as a joint effort by SV staff, SV PTSA and partners in the community to recognize students attending Sky View who are exemplary in their efforts to live the SVHS mission: Relationships, Character and Knowledge.
Each month each faculty member at SV nominates a student they feel is a great example of living the SVHS mission. After the nominations are received the administration divides the list of students into classes: Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores. The new list is then sent to the faculty and they each vote for three student in each grade. When the faculty votes, a computer program tallies the votes and the top three vote-getters in each class (Sr, Jr, Soph) are elected as Students of the Month for that month.
Students who have been chosen are recognized first at the class meetings of each month. Letters are sent to the students and their parents informing them of the students’ selection. Then the students are invited to attend a luncheon held in their honor at the school. Each student can bring two guests with them to the luncheon ie. parents, family, friends, teachers, etc. At the luncheon the school administration and PTA board members recognize the students again with certificates, gift cards and funds to invest in educational savings bonds.
Student of the Month lunches and awards this year have been sponsored by the SVHS administration, SV PTSA, Ann Lusk Catering, Dell Loy Hansen, The Coppermill, Elements Restaurant, Sonic, Campbell Scientific, Inc., Dennis & Ann Barker and Kevin & Teri Rhodes.