Good grades pay off for student at Sky View
Lynn Godderidge and Allison Pope — Lynn Godderidge of the Smithfield Zions Bank presented Allison Pope a $100 scholarship savings account from Zions Bank’s Pays for A’s program. (Submitted Photo)
SMITHFIELD—Allison Pope from Sky View High School learned good grades pay off when she won the Cache Valley-area drawing for a $100 scholarship savings account from Zions Bank’s Pays for A’s program. Pope received the surprise news about the scholarship during the morning school announcements from Zions Bank’s Smithfield branch manager Lynn Godderidge last Wednesday.
Open to all Utah and Idaho students ages 13 through 18, Zion’s Pays for A’s offers cash incentives for good grades. Teen students simply take their most recent term-end report cards from the current academic year into any Zions Bank location. They’ll receive $1 per “A” deposited into their Teengreen savings accounts, or 50 cents per “A” if they opt for cash. For each “A” on their report cards, students receive automatic entries into one of 152 annual drawings for scholarship prizes worth up to $1,000.
Earlier this year, Pope brought her report card with at least one “A” grade into Zions Bank’s Smithfield office. Her name was selected randomly in a drawing among entrants from that branch.
Students have until March 26 to submit their most recent term report cards for the spring scholarship savings account drawing. Students need not be customers of Zions to participate. More information and full contest details are available online at
“We at Zions Bank are thrilled to offer cash rewards to teens with A’s. It’s a great way for us to recognize students like Allison who excel in their studies,” said Godderidge. “As a community bank, Zions is proud to partner with teachers and parents in supporting teens who do their very best in school.”