You Can’t Stop The Beat of Encore’s performance
“Footloose” — Sky View performance group Encore in their opening number — Footloose. (Dave South)
Running the show — In the faint red glow at the back of the theater are director John Caldwell (center), Rikki Hiemeburger (left) and Cassie Thain (right) running the show’s audio mixer. (Dave South)
Live music — One of several live band numbers, Ben Bowen on clarinet and Julia Smith on trumpet play Singin’ With The Big Band. (Dave South)
“You Belong to Me” — Morgan Flandro and Mike Marshall dance together in You Belong to Me. (Dave South)
Tap — A solo tap dance by Grant Fuller in On The Sunny Side of The Street. (Dave South)
The guys — The guys begin singing about Peggy the Pin-up Girl. (Dave South)
“Peggy” — Peggy the Pin-up Girl (Julia Smith) signing her autograph for an adoring fan (Taylor Jensen). (Dave South)
Tired Mike — The bugler calls revelry and Mike Marshall sings _How I Hate to Get up in the Morning." (Dave South)
Boogie sisters — In the tradition of the Andrew Sisters — Julia Smith, Marisa Allen, and Kelsey Lee belt out Bugle Boy. (Dave South)
Christmas at war — Taylor Smith singing Belleau Wood by Garth Brooks, a song about the Allies and the Germans singing silent night on the front lines of WWI during a Christmas Truce. (Dave South)
Kleenex Commercial — Morgan Flandro, Alexis Stott, Marisa Allen, Kelsey Lee, Melissa Bingham, and Kinsey Hansen sing an unbelievably cute “commercial” about Kleenex tissues. (Dave South)
Swing — Everyone on stage for the swing number, Watch the Birdie. (Dave South)
Cami Trappett — Cami Trappett belting out Son of a Preacher Man. (Dave South)
Background dancers — The guys switch roles as background singers with all the dance moves in R E S P E C T performed by Morgan Flandro, Alexis Stott, Stephanie Poulsen, Breanna Brinkerhoff, Mike Marshall, Josh Hilton, Taylor Jensen, and Grant Fuller (Dave South)
“You Can’t Stop the Beat” — Morgan Flandro singing You Can’t Stop the Beat. (Dave South)
Aqua Velva men — An Aqua Velva man — a commercial by Taylor Jensen (piano); Thomas Koch (front row), Ben Bowen, Josh Hilton, James Sheperd; Grant Fuller (back row), Mike Marshall, Michael Huber (on the piano), and Kayden Jensen. (Dave South)
“At Last” — Breanna Brinkerhoff singing At Last. (Dave South)
“Nite Fever” — Part of a great medley of songs the whole group goes disco in Nite Fever. (Dave South)
Jive — Marisa Allen and Nate Johnson swing to Jump Jive Wail. (Dave South)
Duet — A wonderful duet by Josh Hilton and Stephanie Poulsen — In Love With my Best Friend. (Dave South)
“Prayer of the Children” — Encore singing Prayer of The Children, a hymn about the Serbia-Croatia war. (Dave South)
“The Climb” — Stephanie Poulsen sings The Climb. (Dave South)
Finale — A reprise of You Can’t Stop The Beat. (Dave South)
Stage crew — Stage crew — without them the show can’t go on — Cassie Thain, Justin Harmon, James Hullinger, James Harris, Cody Cook, Heidi Jones, Britton Poppleton, and Jon Boehme (Dave South)