Sprinter egg hunt
Frozen egg — A lone egg in a field of white, ready to be found Saturday morning. (Dave South)
No amount of snow could stop children in pursuit of easter eggs. The sun shown on new snow at Mack Park Saturday morning as children and parents waited patiently for the easter egg hunt to begin. And then, all at once, they were off. What took members of the Greater Smithfield Chamber of Commerce all morning to set up was over in just a few minutes.
The Greater Smithfield Chamber of Commerce who sponsors this event has a little twist to the traditional hunt. Instead of plastic eggs filled with candy. Each egg has a coupon that they turn in to the companies at the main table. Each coupon returns a treat, special deal or even a $2 bill from a local company.
[UPDATED April 10, 2010: Added 12 more images from Kris Monson]