Old Man Winter vs the Easter Bunny
(Terrie Wierenga)
Richmond had the annual Easter Egg hunt on Saturday. It snowed most of Friday night and it was blustery and cloudy on Saturday morning but these conditions did not discourage the Easter Bunny from his important duties. The Richmond Lions club was there to perform the actual hiding of the eggs under the tight supervision of the Easter Bunny. Starting about 7:30 a.m. the Lions began hiding the eggs in the area surrounding Park Elementary School and the Richmond City Park. The snow was just deep enough to almost hide the eggs when they sunk down in the snow.
There were separate areas for different age children. The children ranged in age from between 1 year old to 11 years old. The children began arriving about 8:45 and were assigned to their areas according to age. A car horn blast at 9 a.m. signaled the commencement of the chaos. The one year olds did a great job of finding the eggs which were hid in plain site as long as Mom and Dad were available to point out the next egg to be found.
In contrast the 10 and 11 year olds were given the entire Black and White Days field to search. It was a mad dash to the far east side of the field and constant stopping and returning to find the eggs in between. Rumor has it that the smart ones returned to the field in the afternoon after the snow had melted to retrieve the last of the eggs which were hidden by the snow in the morning.
The 3,000 eggs had been stuffed on the previous Thursday at the Lions club meeting. It was a pleasure to coordinate the Easter Egg hunt again this year and the Lions club looks forward to further service in the community throughout the rest of this year.
Thank you to all of the participants for coming out this year. A good time was had by all.