“Meet Me In St. Louis” laughs it’s way through opening night
The Cast — The cast of Sky High Players in Meet Me in St. Louis. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
The Sky High Players put on a great show Wednesday night as they performed Meet Me In St. Louis before a small audience in the intimate Little Theater at Sky View High School. “I loved it,” said Cami Trappett about performing the play before an audience for the first time. “It’s way different. We are so used to not having those laughs. I’ve never been that close to an audience before.”
Trapett played the title role of Rose Smith, the second daughter of the Smith family in St. Louis. When Rose’s father (played by Brennan Downs) announces they are moving to New York, the sisters Esther (Marissa Olson), Rose, Agnes (Anney Haws) and Tootie (Alyssa Carey) work to sabotage the transfer. In the process they nearly alienate Rose’s beau John Shephard (Will Sorensen) and end up getting Mr. Smith in a lot of trouble with his boss, Mr. Dodge (Grant Fuller) and his boss’s crony, Duffy (Brock Wilson).
“It’s hilarious,” said Becky Olson who’s daughter plays the oldest sister, Esther. “I’ve never seen [Meet Me in St. Louis] before so I had no idea about the story line. I’ve just been enjoying it.”
“I think they are doing a very professional performance,” said Christine Larsen about the Sky High Players. Larsen’s daughter, Alyssa Carey, has the enviable job as Tootie the scene stealing youngest daughter of the Smith family. Between her and Anney Haws’ Agnes, they had some of the best lines — and laughs — of the production.
“They’ve been working really hard for a long time to make this happen,” said Larsen. “I’m so proud of them.”
The Sky High Players are putting on three different 3-act plays over nine nights of performances. Thursday night they performed 12 Angry Women and Friday night is the murder mystery — The Thirteenth Chair. Plus they will perform all three plays twice more next week (see the calendar).
Like audience member Vione Simkins said, “It’s very well done and very believable.” The students work hard to make their part their own and stay in character for the whole performance.
Trappett and Will Sorensen (who played John Shephard) said they loved being in the show and really loved their director, Ms. Wharton.
Did they have their own favorite parts of the show? “My favorite part is probably when we almost kiss,” said Will Sorensen. “It’s kind of funny because you expect them to kiss, but when we don’t I think that’s a fun part.”
“I liked slapping [Will] across the face,” added Trappett.
Mr. Smith: Brennan Downs
Mrs. Smith: Jamille Parks
Lon: James Harris
Rose: Cami Trappett
Esther: Marissa Olson
Agnes: Anney Haws
Tootie: Alyssa Carey
Grandma: Shaylie Stewart
Katie: Emily Ellsworth
Mrs. Waughop: Megan Dent
Ida: Noelle Flint
John Shephard: Will Sorensen
Fred Gregory: Phillip Olsen
Lucille: Marquessa Johnson
Mr. Dodge: Grant Fuller
Duffy: Brock Wilson
Conductor: Max Benson