Agenda: Park Place subdivision phase 2, road repair county agreement
The Smithfield City Council meets this Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. Items scheduled for consideration are: phase 2 of the Park Place subdivision (600 W 250 N) by the Neighborhood Nonprofit Housing Corporation, presentation by university students on futures uses of the existing library building, inter-local agreement with Cache County for road repairs, Planned Unit Development handout.
The council meets in the council chambers at 69 N Main. The meeting is open to the public and everyone is invited to attend. Following the council meeting will be a short “Redevelopment Agency” meeting.
69 North Main
Smithfield, Utah 84335
Public Notice is given that the Smithfield City Council will meet in a scheduled meeting at 69 North Main, Smithfield, Utah on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.
- Welcome and Opening Ceremonies
- Citizen Input
- Consideration of Consent Agenda
- Minutes of April 14, 2010 City Council Meeting
- Minutes of March 31, 2010 Budget Meeting
- Continuation of the request by Neighborhood Nonprofit Housing Corporation for approval of Phase 2 (22 Lots) of the Final Plat for Park Place Subdivision located at approximately 600 West 250 North. Zoned R-1-12
- Presentation by University Class on future uses of the Library Building
- Consideration for approval for the Mayor to sign an Inter-local Agreement with Cache County for road repairs
- Discussion on relocation of Green Waste Bins to Equestrian Parking Lot at 800 West
- City Manger Items
- Hand out of Ordinance 10-04, “Planned Unit Developments”
- Mayor and Council Reports
- Adjournment
Items on the agenda may be considered earlier than shown on the agenda.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needed special accommodation for this meeting should contact Dean Clegg at 563-6226, at least 3 days before the date of this meeting.
Prepared, posted in the City Office, emailed to each Council Member, Faxed & emailed to the Herald Journal, Smithfield Sun, and forwarded to be posted on the City Web Site on 4/26/10
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69 North Main
Smithfield, Utah 84335
Public Notice is given that the Smithfield City Redevelopment Agency will meet at 69 North Main, Smithfield, Utah on Wednesday, April 28, 2010. The meeting will begin following the conclusion of City Council Meeting.
- Consideration of Consent Agenda
- Minutes of March 10, 2010
- Discussion of RDA issues.
- Adjournment
Items on the agenda may be considered earlier than shown on the agenda.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodation for this meeting should contact Dean Clegg at 563-6226, at least 3 days before the date of this meeting.
Prepared, posted, and given to each Board Member and Faxed to the Herald Journal on April 26, 2010
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