The thirteen chairs (Dave South)
The cast — The cast of The Thirteenth Chair — Heather Wood, Policewoman Doolan; Dillan Bennett, Policeman; Kensie Migilori, Miss Standish; Will Sorensen, Mr. Standish; Shawn Taylor, Pollock the butler; Brock Wilson, Mr. Trent; Brianne Cannon, Helen Trent; Tyler Jones, Mr. Mason; Grant Fuller, Mr. Wales; Kelby Partridge, Helen O’Neill; Melinda Potts, La Grange; Gabe Walker, Will Crosby; Shellie Lusk, Mrs. Eastwood; Colton Iverson, Mr. Crosby; McKinzie Moore, Mrs. Crosby; Kassidi Thain, Mrs. Erskine; Max Benson, Detective Donohue; Ashley Larsen, Sergeant Dunn. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
La Grange — Melinda Potts as Madam La Grange (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Your future — La Grange (Melinda Potts) telling the future of her daughter, Helen O’Neill (Kelby Partridge). (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Suspicious — Mrs. Eastwood (Shellie Lusk) is suspicious of La Grange (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Lock the doors — Mr. Standish (Will Sorensen), Mr. Mason (Tyler Jones), Mr. Crosby (Colton Iverson), and Mr. Wales (Grant Fuller) discuss how to secure the room. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Seance begins — La Grange (Melinda Potts) holding Will Crosby (Gabe Walker) and Mr. Crosby’s (Colton Iverson) hands as she begins the seance. (Dave South)
Investigation — Detective Donohue (Max Benson) of the police interrogating Mrs. Eastwood (Shellie Lusk) while La Grange (Melinda Potts) and Mr. Mason (Tyler Johns) listen. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Worried — Will Crosby (Gabe Walker), Helen O’Neill (Klby Partridge) and Mrs. Crosby (McKinzie Moore) worry about the crime committed. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
No agreement — La Grange (Melinda Potts) arguing with Dectective Donohue (Max Benson). (Dave South)
Comfort — Will Crosby (Gabe Walker), Mr. Crosby (Colton Iverson) and La Grange (Melinda Potts) try to comfort Helen O’Neill (Kelby Partridge). (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Surprising development — Detective Donohue (Max Benson) discussing with Mr. Trent (Brock Wilson) and Mrs. Helen Trent (Brianne Cannon) a surprising development in the case. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Mr. & Mrs. Crosby — Mr. and Mrs. Crosby (Colton Iverson and McKinzie Moore) (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Mr. Wales — Grant Fuller as Mr. Wales (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Butler did it? — Pollock the butler (Shawn Taylor) (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Need a break — Mr. Trent (Brock Wilson) (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Crosby’s — Will Crosby (Gabe Walker), Helen Trent (Brianne Cannon), Mrs. and Mr. Crosby (McKinzie Moore and Colton Iverson) (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Mr. Mason — Mr. Mason (Tyler Jones) (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Police! — The police – Doolan (Heather Wood), Sergeant Dunn (Ashley Larson), Policeman (Dillan Bennett) and Detective Donohue (Max Benson). (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Siblings — Siblings Mr. Standish (Will Sorensen) and Mrs. Standish (Kensie Migilori). (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Marry me? — Will Crosby (Gabe Walker) pops the question on Helen O’Neill (Kelby Partridge) (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Disagreement — Helen O’Neill (Kelby Partridge) and Mrs. Eastwood (Shellie Lusk) (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Real motive? — Detective Donohue (Max Benson) suspicious of La Grange (Melinda Potts). (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Directors — Nanette Wharton (played by herself) and Mike Bryson (played by himself) at rehearsals. Wharton directed Meet Me In St. Louis and 12 Angry Women. Bryson directed The Thirteenth Chair. (Dave South)