Lonnie Loveday Field monument unveiled for family and friends
Loveday honored — Lonney Loveday (seated) with Shirley Whitman (his daughter), Mayor Darrell Simmons and former mayors Kent F. Ward, Chad E. Downs, and Robert Chambers. (Dave South)
Friends and Family — Well over a hundred friends and family came to honor Loveday. (Dave South)
Robert Chambers — Former mayor Robert Chambers giving brief biography. (Dave South)
Kent Ward — Former mayor Kent F. Ward talking about Loveday’s long public service to the community. (Dave South)
Mayors — Mayors Simmons, Ward, Chambers and Downs. (Dave South)
Shirley Whitman — Loveday’s daughter, Shirley Whitman, asking Loveday’s great-grandchildren to come up and help her with her song. (Dave South)
Great-grandchildren — Two of Loveday’s great-grandchildren (Dave South)
7th inning stretch — Whitman singing a very special version of Take Me Out To The Ballgame. (Dave South)
Legacy — Mayor Darrell Simmons discussing Loveday’s legacy with another of Loveday’s great-grandsons. (Dave South)
Unveiling — Lonnie Loveday and four of his children unveil the Lonney Loveday Field Monument. Pictured are Jeff Loveday, Lonnie Loveday, Lonetetta Loveday Brady, Nancy Loveday Smith and Katy Loveday Stokes. (Dave South)
Looking it over — Loveday looking over the new monument. (Dave South)
Loveday Field — Loveday’s family at Loveday’s Field — Jeff Loveday, Lonnie Loveday, Lonetetta Loveday Brady, Nancy Loveday Smith and Katy Loveday Stokes. (Dave South)