Hundreds flock to Health Days opening breakfast
Big truck — Tanner Hall who is almost four-years-old sits with his little brother Landon in the wheel of the fire engine. (Dave South)
Waiting for pancakes — The pancakes disappeared as fast they could cook them. (Dave South)
More ham (Dave South)
And eggs (Dave South)
Chocolate milk, too. (Dave South)
Can I drive? — Isaac Clark (9-years-old) has his little brother, Jack, on his lap trying to drive the big engine. The truck may not be moving, but Jack imagination must surely be taking him somewhere. (Dave South)
Color guard — The flag raising ceremony in front of the Smithfield fire station. (Suzanne Teuscher)
Guard ready (Suzanne Teuscher)
Attaching the flag (Suzanne Teuscher)
Raising the flag (Suzanne Teuscher)
Salute (Suzanne Teuscher)
BIG fireman — They sure to grow fireman tall in Smithfield. (Dave South)
Give me five (Dave South)
Got it (Dave South)
A little scary — The inflated fireman scared a few of the tiny kids but the older kids loved him. (Dave South)
Bad day (Suzanne Teuscher)