Bicentennial Gardens rededicated
Star Garden — The newly restored Star Garden and flagpole. The Richmond Lions Club, Youth Council, and City Council with help from several Scouts and the city maintenance workers did the work of digging up the old weed barrier, putting down new barrier, transplanting tulips, and putting in fresh mulch. When the danger of frost is past, a variety of perennials will be planted to provide color throughout the year. (Terrie Wierenga)
The city of Richmond enjoyed a rededication ceremony of the Bicentennial Gardens and flagpole on Monday night. The gardens and the flag pole were originally built and planted by the Richmond Bicentennial Committee in 1976 as a memorial to the founders of this country as part of the celebration of the Bicentennial of the year of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The Bicentennial Committee was chaired in 1976 by Roland and Alice Anderson who were in attendance at the rededication on Monday evening. The gardens and flagpole stood for many years and were in need of repair and maintenance. In April of this year a few groups of citizens including various scout troops, the Richmond Youth Council, and the Richmond Lions Club met to repair the flagpole and replace the weed barrier under the existing bark dust and soil.
A spotlight was installed, new hardware was installed on the flagpole and a new flag was purchased. The materials and the flag were purchased by the city of Richmond. On Monday May 10 the Richmond post of the American Legion was gracious to conduct a flag raising ceremony and the site was rededicated with a dedicatory prayer by Richmond resident and American Legion member Richard Bagley. Morty Jenkins led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Richmond mayor Michael Hall was present to share his thoughts.
It is well to remember the sacrifice of those who have gone before and protected the irreplaceable Liberty and Rights for the succeeding generations. It is hoped that the Bicentennial Gardens, with the accompanying flagpole, will serve the purpose of honoring these brave souls.