Teachers voice opposition to a salary freeze
Linda Bettinger — Greenville elementary teacher of the year. (Dave South)
Jan Tingey — Lewiston elementary teacher of the year. (Dave South)
Jodi Mangum — North Park elementary teacher of the year. (Dave South)
Dwight James — Park elementary teacher of the year. (Dave South)
Maria Houston — River Heights elementary teacher of the year. (Dave South)
Kris Miller — Kathy Toolson, Sunrise elementary principal, talking about why Kris Miller was Sunrise elementary’s teacher of the year. (Dave South)
Christyn Kendrick — Troy Pugmire announcing Christyn Kendrick as Summit elementary’s teacher of the year. (Dave South)
Stan Atkinson — Lewiston elementary’s long-time custodian was named custodian of the year. (Dave South)
Linda Hansen — Providence elementary principal, Curt Jenkins, talking about Linda Hansen who is the cook of the year. (Dave South)
Rosie Johnson — Lincoln elementary principal, Lynette Riggs, talking about Rosey Johnson’s passion for art and why she is the Para Professional of the year. (Dave South)
Shirley Reeder — Secretary of the year. (Dave South)
Chris Hodges — Wayne Reese, district transportation director, talking about Chris Hodges who is the transportation employee of the year. Hodges help maintain the bus fleet for the district. He recently was first in a state technician competition and second in the national competition. (Dave South)
Maria Nielsen — Maria Nielson being recognized by Maurine Donavan for winning the Huntsman Award. (Dave South)