Scheduled pay increases survive school district budget cuts
Budget cover — The actual cover from the 2010-2011 preliminary budget. (CCSD)
Revenue comparison — The estimated revenue of 2011 is expected to fall short by $1.38 million if the district didn’t grow. The estimated growth (see graph below) would increase the state’s allowance and reduce the original gap to $283,599. Added to the shortfall are increased retirement premiums, staffing two new elementary schools, hiring teachers for 340 new students, and the salary increases. The total estimated shortfall being $3.48 million. (CCSD)
Budget cuts — The different areas where the budget was cut to meet the shortfall. Increasing the student-to-teacher ratio by 1.25 students eliminated the need to hire new teachers. Even with all these cuts, the school board is dipping into the districts fund balance for $641,000 in one-time funding. (CCSD)
Scheduled raises — The steps and lanes salary increases for 2010-2011. (CCSD)
Estimated growth — The historical and estimated growth of the Cache County School District. (CCSD)
Letter — Superintendent Norton’s letter of introduction for the budget. (CCSD)
Page 2 — Note the important components outlined in the letter. (CCSD)