Sky View homecoming week
American Legion — American Legion flag bearers lead the Sky View Homecoming Parade (Corey Burger)
Winn family — The Winn Family watching the homecoming parade (Corey Burger)
Joel Allred — Joel Allred tossing candy (Corey Burger)
Executive Council — Sky View executive council (Corey Burger)
Football team (Corey Burger)
Marching Band (Corey Burger)
Cheerleaders (Corey Burger)
Homecoming royalty — Marilee Marshall, Queen; Amelia Mann, 1st attendant; Breanna Brinkerhoff, 2nd attendant (Corey Burger)
More royalty — Jordyn Pugmire, 3rd attendant; Courtney Whitet, 4th attendant; Krista Whittle, 4th attendant (Corey Burger)
Big toy — Cool Tonka Truck (Corey Burger)
Cross country (Corey Burger)
Debate (Corey Burger)
Soccer (Corey Burger)
Superfans (Corey Burger)
Tennis (Corey Burger)
Vistauns (Corey Burger)
Volleyball (Corey Burger)
Pregame — Pregame instructions for the Powder Puff teams (Bud Covington)
Game action (Bud Covington)
Going deep (Bud Covington)
Cheerleaders? (Bud Covington)
Rush (Bud Covington)
Fans (Bud Covington)
The bomb (Bud Covington)