Smithfield City Hall dedicated
New city council chambers and court (Dave South)
Smithfield City leaders, employees, and residents met Thursday (September 30) evening to dedicate the new Smithfield City Hall. Mayor Darrell Simmons read a dedicatory statement in the new council chambers. Then city personnel and residents toured the new office building.
Official Statement
Let it be recorded and publically noted, that on this 30th day of September, 2010, I Darrell G. Simmons, mayor of the City of Smithfield, Utah, present this building, located at 96 South Main, as the structure that will now officially be recognized, and committed to, its residents, as the Smithfield City Offices, or City Hall.
Commissioned first, to be a center of administration and defense of the Constitution of the United States; the Constitution of the State of Utah; and of the responsibilities, rights, statutes and ordinances of Smithfield City pertaining to its residents.
That the building be the official location of public meetings for Smithfield’s elected and appointed officials to discuss, determine, plan and declare public policies and procedures that will maintain an exceptional quality of life for its residents.
Let it be emphasized that these city offices have been erected for the residents of Smithfield to serve their needs. Therefore, it is hoped and expected that the city residents, its officials, and city employees will pass through its halls and on its grounds to conduct their duties with respect, dignity and in the spirit of cooperation and unity. It is expected that those privileged to do so seek to maintain and preserve the building to facilitate the present, endure for the future, and stand for generations yet to come.
Lastly, we pay honor and express thanks to the many individuals who have been instrumental in planning, building and funding this facility. It is my honor, along with our city council, to publicly thank and recognize those who have seen this project through to completion for their vision, insights, patience, and professional eye for detail in making it a possibility.
It now gives me great pleasure to officially declare and present this building as the administrative and executive offices for the City of Smithfield, Utah.
Darrell G. Simmons