Agenda: Annexation boundary agreement, Senator Lyle Hillyard
The Smithfield City Council meets tomorrow to consider: agreement with Hyde Park over annexation boundary line, report from Senior Citizen Committee, discussion with Senator Lyle Hillyard, report from the Youth Council, discussion about Health Days, report on Grant for Tree Committee. The council meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 27.
96 South Main
Smithfield, Utah 84335
Revised 10-26-10
Public Notice is given that the Smithfield City Council will meet in a scheduled meeting at 96 South Main, Smithfield, Utah on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Welcome and Opening Ceremonies
- Residence Input
- Consideration of Consent Agenda
- Minutes of City Council Meeting held October 13, 2010
- Report from Senior Citizen Committee
- Report from Youth Council
- Visit and discussion with Senator Lyle Hillyard
- Discussion about Health Days
- Phyllis Smith will present a report on Grant for Tree Committee
- Consideration for Mayor to sign and Agreement with Hyde Park on the Annexation Boundary Line.
- City Manager Items
- Consideration to appoint members of the Library Board
- Mayor and Council Reports
- Adjournment
Items on the agenda may be considered earlier than shown on the agenda.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needed special accommodation for this meeting should contact Dean Clegg at 792-7990, at least 3 days before the date of this meeting.
Prepared, posted in the City Office, emailed to each Council Member, Faxed & emailed to the Herald Journal, Smithfield Sun, and forwarded to be posted on the City Web Site on October 25, 2010
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