Next up for Smithfield youth council: Turkey Trot
Smithfield Youth Council (Elizabeth Grewe)
SMITHFIELD—Those Youth Council members not waiting in line for Harry Potter met Thursday night to plan Smithfield’s Turkey Trot.
The Turkey Trot, an annual event featuring 10K, 5K and one-mile fun runs, is being held Saturday, Nov. 20, at 10 a.m. at the Recreation Center. The Smithfield Youth Council is helping the recreation department put on the Fun Runs again this year.
“The youth council has been helping with this for a lot of years,” leader Loreita Dewey said. Loreita was a member of the youth council herself more than 12 years ago with current city council member Kris Monson.
The youth council was advised that it is estimated to have a large turnout and as many council members that can come are encouraged to participate.
“The rec center is counting on our council for this,” Junior Mayor Brent Perez said.
The youth council members will help runners register for the three races. They will also direct runners of the path holding signs with arrows.
“It’s something to get the community active and involved,” said Perez.
All proceeds from the race will go to the Smithfield Recreation Low Income Youth Scholarship. This fund will allow youth in Smithfield a chance to be active and have the opportunity to participate in sports leagues.
The council also discussed the Senior Ball that was held Nov. 6 for the Smithfield Seniors. The event was hosted in the Smithfield Stake Center and catered by the Lions Club.
“The ball was a total success. I was so proud of [the council], and everyone was helping and working together. I have had so much positive feedback. It made the seniors so happy seeing the council do the service, and dancing with them, and serving food. They just loved it!” said Dewey.
The next service activity will be in December delivering gift baskets to “families that need a lift.” Last year the youth council delivered over 30 baskets to Smithfield families and hope to do as much or more this year. Schreiber Foods usually donates boxes of cheese, and it’s a great way to share Holiday spirit.
The youth council meets every first and third Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in the city council chambers.
Published in cooperation with the Hard News Cafe. Original story is here.