Candidate: Dennis Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Watkins (Submitted photo)
Dennis Watkins answers the Smithfield Sun questionnaire for Smithfield City Council candidates.
Your Name
Thanks for the opportunity to list some information about myself. My name is Dennis Watkins. I am running for Smithfield City Council.
Beginning with the most recent position, please list all public offices you have held (include positions on appointed boards or commissions).
I have served one term in this position from 2006 to 2009. I have also served what is now called the Smithfield Planning commission.
If you ran for elected office but were not elected, please list those races (title and year of race).
Why are you seeking to serve on the Smithfield City Council?
I decided to run again to possibly add some additional balance to the council. I own two business, Watkins Printing and Denny’s Stationery. As a business man I look at things a little bit different than those that have never ran their own business. I think a council needs a good mix of backgrounds and skills.
Please describe one to three accomplishments or contributions of which you are most proud. These examples should illustrate skills and capabilities you think apply to the office you are seeking. These accomplishments may have occurred at any time during your personal, professional or public life.
During my past four years serving on the Smithfield City Council I was assigned to work with the library and the Smithfield RDA. As such I had the chance to help the business’s in town. As a council we used the RDA to add some additional business construction and expand the tax base. The life of the RDA is nearing completion, this election will select the council that will decided the future of the RDA. I feel like we need to continue with the program and would like to be a part of that process.
Please describe the duties of the office you seek, in your own words. Which are the most important duties and why?
As I look at the city budget I think that next year will be as difficult as the past two have been. Where I have experience with planning a budget for my business each year I would like to a part of the City budget planning. I think the existing council did a great job last year and hope to add some additional thoughts as we plan ahead.
Thank you for giving me this venue to let the citizens of Smithfield know more about me.