Candidate: Sara Scott
Sara Scott (Submitted photo)
Sara Scott answers to the Smithfield Sun questionnaire.
Your Name
Sara F. Scott
Beginning with the most recent position, please list all public offices you have held (include positions on appointed boards or commissions).
I have never held a public office.
If you ran for elected office but were not elected, please list those races (title and year of race).
When I was in Junior High and High school I ran for student body council, I was never elected.
Viewmont High School Senior Class President 2003
Viewmont High School Junior Class President 2002
Viewmont High School Sophomore Class President 2001
Centerville Junior High 7th grade Class Officer 1999
Why are you seeking to serve on the Smithfield City Council?
I want to serve on the Smithfield City Council because I feel we each have a responsibility to serve our community if we expect it to serve us. I am thankful for the community sponsored/supported activities and I want to ensure that they continue for many years to come.
Describe your most important personal characteristics or traits as they relate to the office you seek.
I am dedicated! I like to keep busy in being productive, there is never a dull moment in my life because I am involved in the things I believe in, and once I’m involved I don’t give up, and I give it my all!
Please describe one to three accomplishments or contributions of which you are most proud. These examples should illustrate skills and capabilities you think apply to the office you are seeking. These accomplishments may have occurred at any time during your personal, professional or public life.
I have many great accomplishments, one I wish to relate is graduating from Utah State University. Math and science have come naturally to me my entire life. When I chose to go to college I knew I had to choose a major. Having taken many math, biology, chemistry, and physics classes, I knew that was the route for me. Rather than choosing the field that came easiest to me, I chose the one that was the most difficult for me. Physics. I did not graduate with a 4.0 which would have been possible in other fields, but the knowledge and experiences that I gained because I struggled through are irreplaceable! You can compare the joy one feels when you’ve accomplished the impossible!
Please describe the duties of the office you seek, in your own words. Which are the most important duties and why?
The most important duties of the city council are to ensure that Smithfield remains an active living city. There are ways to accomplish this, including public hearings, holding regular council meetings, volunteering in improvement projects, and always having an open mind about the bigger picture when making hard decisions.
What previous experience do you have running a business, managing employees or controlling a budget?
I was selected as the finance chair of IACURH for our regional No Frills Conference, after many petitions my team was selected to also host the conference. It was my responsibility to submit a year budget and then to submit monthly budget report for the duration of planning, execution and followup of the conference, to our regional representative. In addition I wrote our final fiscal report.
Working for the ELC (English Language Center) I was in charge of 8 other home visitors, as the Home and Family Coordinator I helped in managing visits to more than 50 families in Cache Valley.
What endorsements do you now have, or are you seeking?
What do you consider the most important issue facing our town today?
I see the most important issue facing Smithfield is keeping our hometown feel. We’re an expanding community, but that doesn’t mean we have to lose our character.
What do you want to accomplish during the next 2 years?
My largest focus is on our community events. Being sure they are well rounded, well publicized, well planned, and to be sure that there is something for everyone! Children, teenagers, young adults, couples, small families, large families, the baby boomers, and above.