Mystery Dinner Theater at Sky View
Maggie O’Toole (Emily Teuscher) demonstrates the bran scanning device. (Corey Burger)
Gladys and Sonny Bondurant (Heather Wood and Spencer Jensen) consult the foremost expert information on dealing with the aliens they are confronted by. (Corey Burger)
Ultrakate 3000 (Emily Shirley) answers questions of some dinner goers. (Corey Burger)
Zoltar (Tyler Jones) explains the dire situation to a table of guests. (Corey Burger)
Ultrakate 3000 (Emily Shirley) in-flight stewardess robot. (Corey Burger)
Techies running the lights and sounds. (Corey Burger)
Dinner goers eating dinner and trying to solve the mystery. (Corey Burger)
Cast members eat dinner with the guests (Corey Burger)
Cast members eat dinner with the guests. (Corey Burger)
Ptarantula Mistress of Pain (Erin Pitcher) with her pet alien creature Hydra (Kaitlin Frazier) (Corey Burger)
Zoltar and Ptarantula morn the passing of Hydra (Corey Burger)
Hydra hauled to the garbage shoots. (Corey Burger)
Gladys Bondurant demonstrates how to fire an alien weapon. (Corey Burger)
Tarantula mistress of pain. (Corey Burger)
Servers (Corey Burger)
Servers (Corey Burger)
Ultrakate 3000 (Corey Burger)
Servers (Corey Burger)
Servers (Corey Burger)
Zoltar consults a manual on how to reprogram Ultrakate 3000. (Corey Burger)
Ptrantula restrains Commander Clint McFadden (Alex Eby) (Corey Burger)
Zoltar and Maggie discuss things. (Corey Burger)
Cast takes a bow (Corey Burger)
Cast takes a bow. (Corey Burger)