Youth Theater presents Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Giving the audience instructions and pleading with them to remove noisy children and turn off their cell phones. (Corey Burger)
A cast and crew of more than 200 youth got together as part of Smithfield Health Days to perform Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
The stage play was written and directed by Susan Barnes and included some very interesting elements, In addition to the already eclectic group of characters were the additions of dancing fish and clams, along with a group of critters that included cows and mice and such.
The “normal” characters were still present including tall, medium, and small versions of Alice played by Jadin Beck, Briana Alder, and Madeline Watterson respectively.
Tweedle – Dee and Tweedle – Dum were played by Sarah Stapley, and Ciera White.
The weight rabbit was played by Makayli Reeder, while Klint Johnson and Elizabeth Harper filled the roles of the Mad Hatter and the March Hare respectively.
Rounding out the cast were Devan Barrus as the Caterpiller, Lillie Pomeroy as the Cheshire Cat, Jessica Lewis as the Dormouse, Savannah Burns as the Queen of Hearts, and McKenzie Mackley as the Duchess.
The youth performed the play on both Friday and Saturday nights to a near full house.