Tuning — Randall Beach, Sky View Band Director, holds an electronic tuner near the end of a bassoon. Each student had to pass the “tune” test before heading to the auditorium. (Dave South)
Watching and waiting — Members of the Symphonic Band sit with instruments in hand while the Concert Band performs on stage. (Dave South)
Concert band — The clarinet section of the Concert Band. (Dave South)
Concert Band — The flute section of the Concert Band. (Dave South)
Concert Band — The horn section of the Concert Band. (Dave South)
Beach waits — After changing places, the Symphonic Band warms up on stage while Director Randall Beach waits off stage to make his entrance. (Dave South)
Symphonic Band — The percussion section of the Symphonic Band. (Dave South)
Symphonic Band — The Symphonic Band performing the first of two numbers. (Dave South)
Symphonic Band — The percussion section waiting for their cue. (Dave South)
Combined Band — Members of both the Concert and Symphonic bands combined. (Dave South)
Conducting both — Beach conducting the combined bands as they perform Salute to America’s Finest. (Dave South)
Combined Band — Performers in the combined band. (Dave South)
Taking their bow — All musicians stand to accept the applause of the audience. (Dave South)
Randall Beach — Director Randall Beach who started teaching at Sky View high school in January 2009. (Dave South)