Seven bands battle it out at Sky View
Judges — The Three Judges: Keith Larsen, Jared Allen, Chris Hampton (Zayn Rhodes)
Last Thursday the Sky View Auditorium was anything but quiet. Inside, tension was building as bands were preparing to jam their hearts out in front of three amazing judges. The judges for this event were Jared Allen, Chris Hampton, and Keith Larsen. The extravagant Mr. Reeder was the host for the evening. His hilarious remarks only added to the show.
Requirements for the bands were as follows. First they were to have one famous song, and second a song of the band’s creation—an original. The seven bands for this battle were Fathom, 4 Years, Them, Heroes By Chance, Auditory Sound, Poor Ophelia, and Tuning For Tuesday. As the competition started excitement hung in the air. Every band that performed did fantastic. With their performances people would often clap their hands or wave cell phones in the air. The professional sound system was set up so when the bands played, the instruments of their choice, the air would drum and you could feel the beat of the song vertebrate through your body.
As the evening was coming to a close it came time for the judges to make a decision on the winner. While they did this Sky View’s drum line (Jordan Anderson, McKay Andher, Zach Green, Jared Bennett, Joe Day, David Bennett, and Tyler Lemon) performed a number they call “Garbage”.
In third place was the band Them, which included Kris Luthy, Jeff Chipman, and Ben Wilheim. In second place came Tuning For Tuesday, which consisted of Josh Hilton, Ashley Elder, Jordan Runyan, Nate Clyde, Sean Wright. First place was given to Poor Ophelia, which is Benton Wood, Colton Anderson, Gavin Howe, Drew Allen. The top three bands earned gift certificates for KSM and Poor Ophelia won a four hour recording session. All the bands competed very well and every band who participated received a five dollar gift card to Fire House Pizzeria.
Members of the bands include: Fathom (Thomas Koch, Charlie Flint, Johnny Dayton, Ross Sanderson, Julia Smith, Jed Griffiths). 4 Years ( Spencer Reid, Nate Long, Gavin Reid, James Hullinger). Heroes By Chance (Nate Ashby, Taylor Jensen). Auditory Sound (Alex Everhart, James Shepard, Travis Stuart, Ivan Jimenez).
The Sky View PTSA Battle of the Bands competition was organized by Joy Godwin and Kari VandeMerwe.
Battle of the Bands is an official program of the Utah PTA and National PTA organizations. The winner of the SVHS Battle of the Bands will play in a multi-regional Battle of the Bands in February, with the winner of that competition advancing to the Utah state competition in March. All bands can upload their music at The band that receives the most votes on that website between Feb. 1 and March 1 will win a spot in the Utah PTSA Battle of the Bands contest.