Seven bands battle it out at Sky View
Judges — The Three Judges: Keith Larsen, Jared Allen, Chris Hampton (Zayn Rhodes)
4 Years — Josh Hnton helps 4 Years check sound before the contest (Zayn Rhodes)
Paperwork — Kari VandeMerwe explains the paperwork to a judge before the contest (Zayn Rhodes)
Concessions — Sherri Petersen observes while Andrew Dunford supervises the concessions table (Zayn Rhodes)
Get your programs — Zakk Rhodes and Kyle Petersen hand out programs (Zayn Rhodes)
Hands stamps — Shelly Halling and Catherine King take money and stamp hands (Zayn Rhodes)
More programs — Paige Godwin and A.J. VandeMerwe hand out programs (Zayn Rhodes)
Fans — Some fans get ready for the show (Zayn Rhodes)
MC Reeder — Mr. Reeder gets the contest going (Zayn Rhodes)
“Sharp Dressed Man” — 4 Years plays ZZ Top’s “Sharp Dressed Man” (Zayn Rhodes)
Fathom — Fathom onstage and ready to perform (Zayn Rhodes)
Them — Them performing on stage (Zayn Rhodes)
Heros By Chance — Heros By Chance perform the song ‘Halleleuja’ (Zayn Rhodes)
Auditory Sound — Auditory Sound jams (Zayn Rhodes)
Poor Ophelia — Poor Ophelia members get into the song (Zayn Rhodes)
Tuning for Tuesday — Tuning for Tuesday get into their song (Zayn Rhodes)
Envelope please — Mr. Reeder, Joy Godwin and Kari VandeMerwe prepare to announce the winners (Zayn Rhodes)
Winners are… — All the bands onstage, waiting for the big announcement (Zayn Rhodes)
Poor Ophelia — Mr. Reeder congratulates Benton Wood and Poor Ophelia for taking the top prize (Zayn Rhodes)
The prize — Poor Ophelia members gather round to see their prize (Zayn Rhodes)