Sky View High School Presents: Oklahoma!
Oklahoma! — Sky View’s orchestra and female cast perform one of the many great numbers from the musical — Oklahoma! (Dave South)
Warming up — The Sky View orchestra warming up before the show. (Dave South)
Mornin’ — Curly McLain (Josh Hilton) singing Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Hey Aunt Eller — Curly McLain (Josh Hilton) talking with Aunt Eller (Marisa Allen) about tonight’s box social dance. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Go to the dance with me — Curly McLain (Josh Hilton) trying to persuade Laurey Williams (Marissa Olsen) to come with him to the box social dance. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Fringe on the top — Curly McLain (Josh Hilton) singing The Surrey With The Fringe On Top to Laurey Williams (Marissa Olsen) about the wonderful carriage he plans to take her to the dance in. (Dave South)
Shotgun wedding — Andrew Carnes (Jake Thomas) has his gun pointed at Ali Hakim (Colton Iverson) and arguing with his daughter, Ado Annie (Kensi Miglori), after discovering them together. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
It’s a Scandal! — Ali Hakim (Colton Iverson) trapped in his engagement with Ado sings It’s a Scandal! It’s a Outrage! with the men. (Dave South)
Women win — The women carry off the men after failing utterly to make their point in It’s a Scandal! It’s a Outrage! (Dave South)
Sky View Cast — Sky View students as the cast of Oklahoma! (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Hahahahaha — Gertie Cummings played wonderfully by Morgan Flandro chased Curly McLain through the whole show with her unique laugh. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Pore Jud is Dead — Curly McLain (Josh Hilton) and the show’s villian, Jud Fry (Jerimiah Bowen), sing Pore Jud is Daid. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
For $50 — Will Parker (Will Sorensen) finally wins back Ado Annie (Kensi Miglori) from her father with the help of Ali and 50 dollars. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
You want what? — Ali Hakim (Colton Iverson) threatened by Jud Fry (Jerimiah Bowen) who wants a special kind of knife. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Dream dancing — Nathan Johnson and Taylor Valdez dance together as Curly McLain and Laurey Williams during the dream sequence. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Dance — Taylor Valdez dancing as Laurey Williams in the dream sequence. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Bar girls — Jud Fry (Jerimiah Bowen) with “the bar girls” during the dream sequence. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Married — Everyone looks on as Curly McLain (Josh Hilton) and Laurey Williams (Marissa Olsen) just got married. (Amy South)
Girls bow — The female cast take their bows at the end of Oklahoma! (Dave South)
Hats off — And the men take their bows, too. (Dave South)
Together at last — Gertie Cummings (Morgan Flandro) and Ali Hakim (Colton Iverson) end up together in the end. Flandro and Iverson take their bows. (Dave South)
Finale Ultimo — The orchestra plays on as the theater empties. (Dave South)
Orchestra — Richard Kline pulling his wagon-full of orchestra musicians. (Heidi Fitzgerald)
Stage hands — John Caldwell (center, green jacket) with the stage hands and behind the scenes help for Oklahoma! (Heidi Fitzgerald)