Winter’s moment in time
(Suzanne Teuscher)
I love weather and how it affects the light and color of all things of nature. My favorite times to photograph are weather related; the best times of day are the first 3 hours just after the sun starts to rise, and the last 3 hours as the sun drops into the western horizon. The colors and hues of colors along with slanted light create an amazing palate of color, with radiant and delicate hues adding drama to each captured moment. I refer to these times as “Mother Nature’s Moments of Glory”
However, sometimes, when I see a beautiful and breathtaking panorama before me, when I look through the lens, I am quite disappointment. The camera is not capable of capturing every vision, as my eyes can. Should I still click the shutter, I would be very disappointed at the results. These moments in time, must be engraved upon our memories.
Cache Valley is an artist’s wonderland of breathtaking beauty. Each season and between seasons, of the years, have their own special beauty, it own special colors, tinted with soft hues, creating drama and excitement along with unscheduled surprises.
Weather, does not cause me to become depressed. I love weather, while some hide inside where it is dry, the lighting just before, during and after most storms give drama to all that the eye can see. (With the exception of the real dark, dreary, gloomy cruddy, days when we have the inversion upon us) I usually go out into the storm to find my perfect “Moment in Time”.