Smithfield Library needs your help
Would you or someone you know use the Smithfield Library more if we could access it more easily, that is push a stroller in or park off street and walk right in with several kids any time of year? Tonight at 6 PM a very important Public Hearing is being held in the City offices (96 South Main) to approve the Library project funding.
The City has applied for and been approved for a very low interest loan (1.5% fixed for 25 years) to make an addition to the Library that will make it accessible for those with disabilities, moms with strollers and hands full of kids, elderly and such. The plan includes off street parking for greater safety and convenience for all of us.
If we get final approval for this loan, we can build the addition without raising taxes or having to have any other bond. We have enough to pay for it.
The addition will add more space for the children’s section and activities as well as adult features. It will be an expanded learning center for the whole community, but we must show evidence of public support before the final approval is given.
Thus if you support this project, it is critical you show it now either by attending the meeting at 6 PM
Email the city at [email protected]. State your support for this Library expansion project as funded and state your full name, then it is written evidence for our records.
Please forward this information to anyone who would benefit from Library upgrades.
Now is the time to move forward with our Library improvements. Please take time to show your support.
Barbara Kent