Sky View Homecoming Week!

It’s homecoming week at Sky View and the week has been full of activities including an assembly, a water party, the parade, Mr. Sky View Pageant and much more.
It’s homecoming week at Sky View and the week has been full of activities including an assembly, a water party, the parade, Mr. Sky View Pageant and much more.
NORTH LOGAN — As Mike Liechty stood in front of more than 100 parents Wednesday night in the North Park elementary school gym, faces turned from curious to furious. Liechty, deputy superintendent of the Cache County School District, delivered a 45-minute presentation outlining the district’s plan to build a new high school in Millville, a new elementary school in Lewiston and a new middle school in North Logan, as well as renovating and reorganizing many other schools.
Vote for Us! Earlier this year, Summit Elementary was nominated for a Power a Bright Future grant from The Clorox Company in hopes of securing up to $50,000 in funding for portable iPad labs. UPDATE: Start date moved to November 19.
SMITHFIELD—Young children drop to their hands and knees and begin to crawl toward exits at the sound of a blaring smoke alarm. Commands to “stay down low” are broadcast above the noise as artificial smoke swirls through the room clouding vision and impeding breathing. Finally a back door is opened and the students from Summit Elementary rush out of the Utah State Fire Marshal’s Life Safety House and back into fresh air.
Find great deals on furniture, housewares, clothing, outdoor products, homemade crafts and other items at the Sky View band garage sale fundraiser. It will be this Saturday, June 23 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sky View High School, 600 South 250 East Smithfield, Utah.
The Sky View high school honor roll for the final trimester of 2011-2012.
Sky View has recognized the students of the month for the 1st and 2nd Trimesters of the 2011-2012 School year.
The Sky View high school honor roll for the first trimester of 2011-2012
“You are the music in me” a spectacular evening of song and dance that will be fun for the whole family. Come and see favorites from all of your favorite decades, including jazz standards, rock and roll classics, and broadway and contemporary hits. Don’t miss it! Show dates are March 22, 23, 24, and 26th at 7:30 pm in the sky view auditorium. Tickets are available at Price is $7 online or $8 at the door.
On Saturday, February 25th Sky View’s Vistaun’s held their annual dance review hosting several dance clubs from throughout Cache Valley, and showcased their top dance routines of the year.
BYU’s Young Ambassadors are coming to Sky View High School on Saturday, January 21 at 7:15 pm. The show will take place in the Sky View auditorium. Sky View’s Encore performers will open the show with two great numbers. Tickets are on sale now at for $12 and will be available at the door for $15. This will be a fantastic show and a wonderful opportunity to see the Young Ambassadors at a reduced price!
The Sky View high school honor roll for the first trimester of 2011-2012.
Looks like the Cache School Board has a fairly light meeting planned for Thursday evening. The 2012-2013 calendar is scheduled for approval plus the board plans to listen to a report on “Health and Air Quality”.
It looks like a fairly standard meeting for the Cache County School Board this Thursday. On the agenda for consideration: approval of mission statement, approval of code of conduct for board members, modification of Millville Elementary Improving Plan, SHARP survey data. Also they will hear reports on student mental health services, media, budgets, the 2012-2013 calendar.
“Two quick-witted and sharp debaters from Sky View High School placed second and fourth at the Utah State Senate Youth Program debate last week, earning one of them a trip to Washington, D.C., to possibly see the president.”
UPDATE: The school board did not have a quorum. The administrators and board members present honored the teachers of the year and then dismissed the meeting. The Cache County School Board meets tonight to consider the Code of Conduct for School Board Members, the board mission statement, SHARP survey data, student mental health services presentation, Millville Elementary improvement plan, budget status report. They will also honor six teachers with “School Teachers of the Year” awards.
The Cache County School Board meets Thursday evening to discuss: Utah consolidated plan, PIO Media Specialist, education online report, and the core curriculum report. This meeting is a study session so no action will be taken.
Sky View High School has selected the Students of Month for September 2011. Chosen for their excellent citizenship, scholarly activities and involvement in school and extra curricular activities the students honored were:
RICHMOND-Cold temperatures and drizzling rain Thursday could not stop intrepid Park Elementary students from participating in Walk to School Day.
NORTH LOGAN — Students enrolled at Cache County high schools looking to take free online classes though the district next year may find themselves out of luck.
The creak of plastic chairs on the asphalt, the rustle of plastic bags, and the giggles of neighborhood children were pleasantly interrupted Wednesday night as the loud peal of police sirens marked the start of Sky View High School’s 2011 Homecoming Parade.
Thursday night the ladies took to the gridiron in the annual homecoming week Powder Puff game. The Sky View girl participants battled each other for four quarters before the speed and agility of team “Darkness” coached by Yabiste Wells, proved to be too much for the tenacious group of team “Optimus Prime” coached by Cole Bangerter.
Standing in front of a sparsely populated room in Cache County Board of Education building Thursday, Kim Mills sported an ear to ear grin as she was presented a teacher of the year award.
The Cache County School Board meets this Thursday evening to consider: employee negotiation agreements, sports injury policy, facility study request, Sky View High School clubs, retiree health benefits. They will also be recognizing Kim Mills as Providence Elementary’s teacher of the year.
LOGAN—Next week, the Cache County Board of Education will vote on a policy that has the potential to change the face of high school sports in the valley.
The Cache County Board of Education meets Wednesday evening in a study session to consider: Cache education foundation report, legal limitations of bonding report, sports related head injuries & concussions policy, Alliance for Youth program, code of conduct.
After taking care of some routine business the Cache County School Board discussed how negotiations had gone with the classified employee association, and the teachers association this year. That was followed up with presentations on the progress of a facilities assessment report and a status update on the Adequate Yearly Progress Report (AYP).
The Cache County School Board meets Thursday to consider: building & bond committee report, facilities assessment report, adequate yearly progress (AYP) report, board code of conduct. The meeting will be held at the district offices (2035 N 1200 E) on Thursday, August 18 at 5:30 p.m.
Emotions flared Thursday at the Cache County Board of Education meeting when a proposal to raise property tax was passed by a 4-3 vote by the board. Board member Tamara Grange said the district has “squeezed the turnip” as much as possible, but that they cannot continue to achieve high test scores without funding. “We have cut wherever we can cut,” she said. “We have to prepare these kids for a different world than we grew up in.”
The Cache County School Board will hold a Truth in Taxation Hearing during their board meeting this Thursday. The board is proposing raising the property taxes by approximately $47 a year for a $200,000 home.
The Cache County School Board voted 4-3 to raise property taxes. If finalized in August, the tax on a $200,000 home in Cache County will increase by $47.19. For a $200,000 business property the tax would increase by $85.80. The district will use the money to fund the K-3 reading program, buy new busses, pay for new software, and maintain building roofs and other needs.
The Cache County School Board meets Tuesday to consider approval of the 2011-2012 budget. The board meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 in the Technology Center (2035 N 1200 E).
The Sky View high school honor roll for the third trimester of 2010-2011.
On the surface, a week in the life of Josh Bennion seems typical of a student. The Sky View High School senior stays busy doing homework, reading the news, and making time to hang out with friends. However, during the school year Bennion’s week really begins on Thursday night, when the nationally recognized debater starts cramming case studies, trying to his lead team to a tenth straight state championship.
Four hundred and sixty three Sky View graduates marched through the Dee Glen Smith Spectrum Tuesday night in celebration of being the graduating class of 2011. Hundreds of families and friends flocked to Utah State’s campus to watch the ceremony, which began with the March of the Graduates, conducted by Principal Dave Swenson.
The Cache County school board spoke to a full house Thursday night as they handed out yearly awards at their monthly meeting. The School teacher of the Year award was given to 6 teachers who according to the school board, have not only gone above and beyond in teaching, but have strived to leave a mark on their respective schools. The awards were presented to Kandyce Barber, Heritage Elementary School; Wanda Banham, Willow Valley Middle school; Robert Stewart, White Pine Middle School; Shellie Healy, Birch Creek Elementary; Laurie Baldwin, Cedar Ridge Middle School; Lance Robbins, Spring Creek Middle School.
The Sky View Debate Team, school teachers of the year, and classified employees of the year will be recognized by the Cache County School Board in their regular meeting this Thursday evening. Also on the agenda for consideration: 2011-12 school improvement plan, trustland plans, professional development days request, budget reports, discussion over the Logan/Cache district boundaries.
Sky View High School has announced the students of the month for April 2011. Students are chosen for their citizenship, involvement in extra curricular activities, and excellent school work.
It’s another big meeting planned for the Cache County School Board. For their regular meeting on Thursday evening the board plans to consider: Sky View school clubs, Intech High trustlands, 2011-12 school fees. They will also hear reports covering the budget status, property, core curriculum and more. The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 21, 2011 at the district technology center (2035 N 1200 E).
It took just over 3 hours in perhaps one of the longest Cache County School District (CCSD) board meetings in history the district detailed its financial obligations and future needs. After presenting its case the CCSD made a recommendation for a modest increase to property taxes to enable the district to provide much needed maintenance and upkeep of existing facilities, busses, and more.
Sky View High School has announced the March 2011 Students of the Month. For adhering to the schools program of RCK, Relationships, Character, & Knowledge also known as the RoCK program. RoCK principles include high academic achievement, involvement in extra curricular activities at the school, possessing good character, and demonstrating preparation for the next step in life after high school.
“Buildings, Budgets & Levies” are the main subject for Thursday’s planned school board meeting. Also planned for the study session: Intech trustland plans, cell phone tower lease, academic results, graduation assignments, lighthouse institute study. The Cache County School Board meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 14, 2011 at the district technology center (2035 N 1200 E).
On March 19th the Sky View Booster Club held a fund raising auction that raised nearly $20,000 to support the activities of the Booster Club and the athletic programs at Sky View.
High school basketball season is all wrapped up, shoes are stowed, uniforms are laundered and put away waiting for next year, and all that is left to do is give out awards. Several Sky View players were honored this year for their on-court contributions.
Sky View has announced the February Students of the Month. Students recognized for their contributions to the school in the form of excellent citizenship, good school work, and the help that they offer to the school are:
The Sky View high school honor roll for the second trimester of 2010-2011.
The gym hushed into an engaged silence as twenty five pairs of feet marched to the center of the room. “Five, six, seven, eight!” shouted one of the Sky View Vistauns, her mouth set in a confident smile. The procession stopped, a quick beat pulsed through the walls, and thus began the 2010-2011 Sky View Vistaun Review Monday evening.
The Cache County School Board meets tonight for a study session. The agenda includes: drug policy report, PLC’s report, basic finance course, and board training. The meeting is for discussion and information only, no decisions are scheduled to be made. The board meets at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at the Technology Center (2035 N 1200 E).
Budgeting, energy, and cell phones were a few of the things discussed at the Cache County Board of Education meeting Thursday night.
The Cache County School Board will meet Thursday evening to consider: federal surplus property program, English language center report, energy education report, South Cache Trustlands plan, declare River Heights church as surplus, cell phone usage. The board meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. at the District Technology Center (2035 N 1200 E) on Wednesday, February 17, 2011. The meeting is open to the public.